Dr. Neesa'sĀ BLOG

Reclaiming Your Feminine Power: A Dialogue with Mt Shasta

creative feminine rising feminine empowerment mt shasta

In a fit of fury the other day, I was faced with a well of suppressed anger and headed straight for the mountain.

Feminine Fire

I could barely contain this force inside me as I approached the epic monolith of a presence, Mt. Shasta, she who IS all the faces of the Great Earth Mother Gaia.

As I walked along the trail, seething with the dragon fire of the emotions that I artfully keep under wraps most of the time, I began tuning into Mama Shasta and listening.

Turns out this fiery ignition inside of me opened a powerful channel of Oracular wisdom straight from the mountain.

The background story is that the book project I’ve been working on about the mystical mountain had been stalling out. And we needed to have a talk.

I found myself stomping and railing at her like a child in a full-blown tantrum. As I allowed my feminine fire to burn, I began to feel the emotion of the dormant volcano that she is, Mt. Shasta herself.


What I heard back was some rumbling earth-shaking truth.

“I demand to be seen in all my beauty, to be honored and respected for my vastness that far exceeds what you can even imagine.

What do you see when you walk upon me?

What do you feel in the depths of your truth - the complexity of all your parts, listening, feeling, sensing? What is it to know me?

I mean really. To know me.

To take off your blinders and see beneath my surface beauty?

I know you feel my power. It is unmistakable.

You come, and you graze upon the unfathomable essence of my presence.

And yet… Somehow you feel that it is all yours for the taking.

I invite you instead into a relationship with me. A truthful, deep and abiding, reciprocal relationship.

Go to your inner well, and ask how you can honor me?

I mean really. The kind of honoring that expands into a vastness that you can never fully capture. Me as a shimmering fractal of Mother Gaia.

I am pretty. Yes.

I am marvelous and mysterious. Yes.

I am loving. Yes.

And … beneath the surface, I am powerful beyond measure.

I could take you down with the whoosh of crumbling rocks.

I can eliminate towns by exploding into my essence.

I am here to teach. Simply by my very presence

I call you up so you can find union with truth.

To access the Vastness of your spirit.

The volcanoes that live inside of you.

The unbounded love that you are. That we are when we see the truth together.

You can say ‘fuck you’ to me a million times and I’m still your mother with love as vast as my power.

If you didn’t get mad at me, I would not be doing my job.”



My invitation for you is to embrace this possibility for yourself and recognizing that healthy anger is part of the path of making things right.

Digging into your inner well, getting in touch with these wounded parts and finding your way back to the medicine of the Earth Mother is part of Feminine Empowerment.


This is part I of 3 writings I am sharing with you about Reclaiming Your Feminine Power.

With all my love, Dr. Neesa