Creative Feminine Rising

Restore Your Womb Heart


On the other side of this Sacred Feminine Remembrance is clarity, self-compassion, and communion with the innate power of your womanly body.


Come Home to Your Feminine Magic

Dear Sacred Sister,

There is a luscious reunion of your feminine wisdom centers – your empowered womb and your loving heart – waiting for you.

This union holds a key to the journey home to the Sacred Feminine, where you come to know the magic and mystery of what naturally lives inside your holy womb.

I’ve been on this wisdom journey for many years now, a long and winding road that has been both liberating and deeply gratifying. It is the spirit of my dedication that has led me here: to offer you this gentle five-step journey, a starting point so you crack the code on feeling sick, stuck or disempowered in your womanly center.

I offer guidance for you to tap into a new-found inner freedom and open to the lost arts of the Feminine mysteries…

Because most women feel emotionally disconnected from their womb centers.

Because such things as uterine and cervical polyps, tumors and cysts are rampant.

Because women have been been conditioned to feel ashamed of their natural flow.

Because it’s time to heal ourselves and let our collective feminine power shine.

With Love, Neesa

With Dr. Neesa

Co-Founder of Her Holy Temple
Mystery School for Women

Sister, This if for You If


You feel disconnected from being a woman.


You experience dis-ease in your female body parts – cysts, tumors, polyps…


Your sexual space feels ‘dead down there.’


You have unresolved trauma around sex, abortion or miscarriages.


You’re ready to be part of the solution for the Divine Feminine to rise again.

Womb Healing is a path of Reunion.

An Inward Journey to Healthy Restoration…

To Find Trust in the profound Wisdom of your Feminine Body.

To Own your place as a Holy Woman.

To know that you are magic!

A 5-day transformation

Into the Womb Cauldron

Day 1


Open the ceremonial gates to a luscious reunion of your body’s wisdom centers – your womb and your loving heart.

Day 2


Explore the energetic landscape of your feminine anatomy to clear and release unconscious memories stored in your tissues.

Day 3


Experience an activation of the long-forgotten Holy Womb Chakra, and remember your connection to the deep feminine mysteries.

Day 4


Break collective cycles and spark your womb remembrance to upgrade the body electric circuitry of your holy womb space.

Day 5


Ground deeply into your womb-heart, through a meditative journey through each part of your feminine anatomy.

Clear and Release Old Pains & Programs

Open To Your Holy Womb Heart

Just $111

Explore all five modules of this pre-recorded journey on your own timing, and these timeless ceremonial meditations are yours to keep forever.

Enlivened. Creative. Sovereign.


I Feel More Embodied Than Ever

As a young woman just starting out on my womb journey, this course came at the perfect time.

After each module I felt a profound shift in my own awareness and womb presence, and after moving through all 5, I feel more embodied than ever.

Neesa is a wonderful guide – even through pre-recorded video, her sweetness and compassion are palpable, and I felt truly held in this sacred container.

This course is a powerful tool to clear old patterns and step more fully into the mysteries of our feminine Birthright.


I Get Now the Magic of the Feminine

The practices were amazing in this womb heart class.

I feel more in tune with my womb and my femininity, and I see now there’s a magic in the feminine that is so mysterious, magical, non-linear, life giving… a world of mystery is available inside that is completely separate from pregnancy and making babies.

I loved deepening into my Womb, both physically and energetically. Neesa is a great guide.

I definitely recommend the course if you’re wanting to feel more connected to your deep feminine Wisdom.


Profound and Really Beyond Words

Through this experience, I came to feeling the magnificence of our beingness, as humans, as women, as the Divine Feminine rising to balance and heal this world.

It is profound and really beyond words in many ways.

To allow space for the embodiment of myself, my soul, my womb, the releasing of what has happened, the clearing, the cleansing, the purification of the waters, is a big part of what happened here for me.

I see that everything comes from that. My decisions, my ability to speak clearly of what I need and What I Want.


Enlivened. Creative. Sovereign.

Journey Home to Your Womb Heart